My Newsletter

You know how these things work. It’s a two-way street! You sign up to my newsletter below, and I’ll send you my Guide to Punctuating Dialogue free of charge.
It’s a handy A4 single page that you can save in a convenient place on your computer.
Or print it out and keep next to you when you’re writing. It’ll work in black and white as well as colour. No more searching for dialogue punctuation rules!
And I hope you’ll enjoy the newsletter too. I only send it out once a month-ish (unless there’s something that simply won’t wait) so you won’t be inundated.
What’s in the newsletter?
- writing resources and tips
- any writing opportunities I’ve seen, such as workshops, events and competitions, both locally and further afield
- news from the publishing world, such as agents and publishers that are open to submissions
- new posts on my blog
- services I’m offering
- Fenland Writers events